The exhibit of the month for December 2024

Every month, visitors to our museum choose the exhibit they liked the most. The one that stood out for the month of December was the mushroom Lactarius Deliciosus.
Lactarius Deliciosus is an edible and very tasty species, particularly popular on the Greek islands, in Attica and Cyprus. It is commonly known as delicious milk cap, saffron milk cap, red pine mushroom, etc. It has also been described as a beginner's mushroom, from the easily recognizable orange milky liquid it first extract when cut. It fruits in clusters from May to December or January, mostly in pine forests, near the roots of trees, or in bushes. Its cap, 4-11 cm. in diameter, is sticky when wet and slightly convex, with orange color bands, while the foot varies in the same shades. It is one of the most delicious mushroom species, with a sweet, slightly spicy taste and a fruity aroma.